
Socio-economic factors affecting aviation safety

Just a quick reference for those unaware that EASA’s basic regulation (EU 2018/1139) includes provisions for the agency to cooperate with other institutions whenever socio-economic factors (such as social dumping) would influence aviation safety. Due to the ongoing “race to the bottom” allowing for dubious pay-to-fly schemes and false self-employment, this article will probably gain more and more importance towards the future…

Article 89

Interdependencies between civil aviation safety and socioeconomic factors

1. The Commission, the Agency, other Union institutions bodies, offices and agencies and the Member States, shall, within their respective fields of competence, cooperate with a view to ensuring that interdependencies between civil aviation safety and related socioeconomic factors are taken into account including in regulatory procedures, oversight and implementation of just culture as defined in Article 2 of Regulation (EU) No 376/2014, to address socioeconomic risks to aviation safety.

2. The Agency shall consult relevant stakeholders when addressing such interdependencies.

3. The Agency shall, every three years, publish a review, which shall give an objective account of the actions and measures undertaken, in particular those addressing the interdependencies between civil aviation safety and socioeconomic factors.